Send Dr. Michael Kan Your Smile!
If you would like a free, no obligation opinion on your smile then please email us your best selfie (photograph of your smile) and we’ll email you back within 24 hours.
In the reply email you will receive:
Advice from Dr Michael Kan, a cosmetic dentist who specialises in transforming smiles.
What treatments you should consider and why they are the best solution for you.
Recommendations on what you should do next, i.e. come in for a no obligation examination of your teeth.
To get started, please fill in the form below.
You don’t have to include a photo if you don’t want to. If you would like us to call you for a no obligation chat, then please include your phone number in your email.
Here’s an example email from one of our patients who is current under going an Invisalign treatment.
I’ve got good, strong teeth, however due to my narrow jaw they can’t seem to all fit into my smile! I’ve got some teeth hiding behind others due to the lack of room upfront.
I’ve heard about Invisalign (not that keen on metal braces due to my work). What would you recommend to straighten my teeth and what would the ballpark costs and treatment timeframe be?

Here’s my reply to Gabriel
Dear Gabriel
Thank you for your enquiry about your teeth.
Sounds like your have crowding of your teeth due to lack of space, this is common with people who have narrow dental arches.
If the teeth are in good condition then orthodontic treatment is a good option because you are not keen to wear braces due to your work. I would recommend a system that uses clear removable aligners to straighten your teeth.
They are almost invisible and comfortable to wear and do not alter speech. I am more than happy to comment further if you give us a call an make a time to come in for a consultation.
Hope that is of some help.
Kind regards
Dr Michael Kan, BDS (Otago), FRACDS
Send us your smile!
If you would like a free, no obligation opinion on your smile then please email us your best selfie (photograph of your smile).