Considering Invisalign?
Find Out If It’s Right For You

In this article:
Our unique approach to Invisalign
Frequently asked questions about Invisalign
How to request a free 15min consult with Dr. Michael Kan and Dr. Celina Sim
Invisalign is one of the leading brands that make clear aligners to straighten teeth. It does away with traditional brackets and wires by using a preformed clear aligner to direct light forces to align your teeth.
Invisalign hold many patterns that give them the leading edge over their competitors. Here at Cosmetic Dental, we use the latest Iterio scanner to scan a copy of your teeth, which produces a three-dimensional virtual model that is ready for manipulation. We call this virtual working model a ‘clin check’. This model shows what your smile looks like before and after the final outcome of treatment, with all the staged movements in between.
Achieving amazing results is not solely down to the plastic aligner, but the practitioners personal design, understanding of the mechanics, the sequencing of the desired movements to align the teeth and creating facial orthodontic symmetry.
True facial orthodontic symmetry is not just making straight teeth. It is the art of giving the patient the best facial features by changing the position of the teeth, and the shape of their jaws.
Like art, the dentist is going to have a personal style, and preference in facial orthodontic characteristic changes which they consider more attractive.
There are many treatment options to achieve different facial characteristics.
Some practitioners prefer to remove teeth to make space, others would file the teeth to make them narrower. Some might expand forwards, others expand sideways. Space can be also achieved by moving the teeth backward. Lower jaws can be advanced forwards.
All these options will have an effect on the facial profile, support of the lips, how wide a smile that can be achieved, and how many teeth show in your smile. The aim is to give you an overall facial balance that you can’t help but smile about!
By reverse engineering, we look at the desired facial features first then move the jaws and teeth to achieve a balanced face, then straighten teeth to achieve a balanced smile. Aligners are a wonderful way to align teeth and shape faces. They are more comfortable than braces. This means the patient requires far fewer visits for adjustments. Then there is the huge bonus of being able taking them out to eat and clean your teeth.
We still offer braces, but most of our patients choose clear aligners once they compare the results, the time needed and the cost of braces. In some cases, aligners give a better result in less time than braces.
To help you decide if Invisalign is right for you, Cosmetic Dental can scan your teeth to produce a 3D simulation to show you what your teeth will look like when straight.
To request a free, no-obligation consultation at Cosmetic Dental, complete the form below or call us on 09-884-0741.

Invisalign Patient Case Study
We first took the 3D scan of Kate’s teeth using the Invisalign iTero scanner. We then send the scan of your teeth to America. The Clin check was returned for Kate to review and approve.
Next the aligners were made and the attachments on and first aligners applied to Kate’s teeth.
Here’s what Kate’s teeth looked like before and after the Invisalign treatment.

Frequentely Asked Questions
If you are considering Invisalign, then here’s everything you need to know about the treatment from one of the top Invisalign practices in New Zealand
Why choose Invisalign over Metal Braces?
There’s many reasons. One, it’s virtually invisible (hence the name). If you’ve tried metal braces before, you know the pain of regular, re-tightening and the awkward looks from people staring at your teeth. That’s why Invisalign was created, to help people around the world get the benefits of straight teeth, without metal and wires bolted to their gums.
Two, you can remove the Invisalign aligners for meals and special occasions. If your work involves meeting new people, then that first smile and handshake are all important. Invisalign allows you to remove the aligners for two hours a day so you can talk with confidence, woo new clients, then slip them back on. Even when the Invisalign clear braces are on, most people won’t even notice them.
Invisalign aligners are thin and comfortable (they are a little tight with each new set of aligners you go through during the course of the treatment. No pain, no gain. There’s little to no impact on your ability to talk, with none of the ulcerations and discomfort that comes with conventional braces. Often once you’ve got the aligners on your teeth, you’ll forget they are even there.
How does Invisalign actually work?
Invisalign works in a similar way to metal braces, except the aligners are not noticeable and you can remove them while eating or for special occasions.
You are given a series of aligners, with a new set arriving every seven days. Each aligner makes gradual adjustments to the position of your teeth, from their current position to the predetermined final position.Here at Cosmetic Dental we show you a 3-D video of your teeth as they move into their final position, with each new aligner making a slight movement of your teeth.
It’s quite exciting to see the video of your teeth at the end of the Invisalign treatment – and should motivate you to continue when you’re on your 26th set of aligners!
As you can see, the Invisalign treatment is mapped out from start to finish. We take x-rays and a scan of the current position of your teeth for us to review and create your individual Invisalign treatment plan. Once confirmed, the treatment plan is sent to the Invisalign global office in California for final approval. Once approved, the aligner profiles are sent to Mexico to create each set of aligners for the length of your treatment. Once the aligners arrive in New Zealand, we arrange an appointment to fit your first set.
Won’t the aligners fall off my teeth??
The aligners are designed with an engineering focus to ensure they stay on your teeth, and gradually move them into the right position. You’ll notice in the above video that there are several red ‘ridges’ on the front upper and lower teeth of the patient.
This is a special resin material that is bonded to your teeth throughout the course of your treatment. The resin is clear, so people won’t notice them. The ‘ridges’ are designed to make the maximum tooth movement possible during your treatment, while also making it easy to remove the aligners when needed.
Some patients don’t need the resin ridges to take the Invisalign treatment. In the case above, the adult male patient required several large teeth movements and the ridges reduced the time needed for the treatment. If you would prefer not to have the resin hooks on your teeth, it is possible to still have Invisalign without them.
What do the Invisalign aligners look like once they’re on your teeth?
It’s very difficult to notice the difference in your smile with your Invisalign braces on. Many patients comment that their family and friends don’t even notice they have braces on until they tell them.
Ok, so what are the disadvantages of Invisalign?
Metal braces do have their advantages. You can not take the braces out when you want, this can be an advantage for those who are not as disciplined with wearing their Invisalign aligners. Some school students prefer braces as it is a visual status symbol, but with the advanced technology of Invisalign, we commonly call braces the orthodontic dinosaur.
We can provide you with costs for both options, Invisalign and metal braces. Our patients often find Invisalign to be well worth the extra investment because it gives them the freedom to continue their life and work (almost) as normal.
How long will the treatment take?
The average treatment time is approximately 12 months. However, the length of your treatment will depend on the complexity of your case and will be determined following your initial appointment. Usually, adult patients with fully matured teeth take longer than patients in their teens.
The length of time can be calculated quite accurately by multiplying the number of aligners by seven days. Often treatment time can range from 7 weeks to 2 years. Currently, we are working with Orthodontic accelerators, which use LED light to allow faster tooth movement. This can increase the speed of treatment by another 60 percent.
What happens after my treatment?
At the end of the treatment, approximately 12 months, you may need to wear a retainer wire to ensure your teeth remain in alignment. It varies from person to person and the goal of the treatment. A clear plastic retainer, similar to the aligners that Invisalign makes, may need to be worn at night for a period. Every patient is different, and we’ll review the progress you’ve made at the end of the Invisalign treatment before making a recommendation.
What does Invisalign cost?
The good news is, that Invisalign is comparable to the cost of traditional metal braces. This means you can get the benefits of the Invisalign teeth straightening treatment for a similar cost to braces.
Talk with us at Cosmetic Dental and we’ll provide a specific treatment plan, including costs. You can then compare to the investment required for traditional braces and make an informed decision.
Factors that influence your treatment cost include:
Your treatment goals
The difficulty of your case
How long your treatment will take
Depending on the complexity of the cases Invisalign can cost as little as $2,500 right up to $9,450 for more complex cases. The cost is calculated on how many aligners the patient needs to align their teeth. We do have finance plans so you can pay over the period of the Invisalign treatment. Talk with us and we’ll provide a no-obligation Invisalign treatment plan for you.
Patient Compliance
Because Invisalign aligners give you the opportunity to take off the clear aligners while eating, many patients often forget to put their aligners back on. Even worse, some patients lose their aligners, effectively stopping the program. Mental braces are fixed on your teeth, giving you no option but to wear them 24 hours a day. In some ways, this is a good feature as it ensures you will finish the treatment with straight teeth.
What results are possible with Invisalign?
With advancing technology Invisalign treatment has come from treating simple cases, to now the treatment of choice for most case. We can now straighten most patients teeth with Invisalign, with results equal to standard braces. There are some movements that can be done better with Invisalign when comparing braces.
What makes Cosmetic Dental unique for Invisalign?
Cosmetic Dental has many years experience with braces and plates before Invisalign was available, because of this they have a long history in traditional orthodontics and different orthodontic concepts. This background enables us to provide both braces or Invisalign.
We have been offering Invisalign since 2011, currently, most of their orthodontic patients are choosing Invisalign over braces. At Cosmetic Dental the patient are given a choice of wearing each set of aligners for 7 days, if wearing them all the time. But if the patient is a little slack they wear each set for two weeks. This gives the patient an option to halve the treatment time.
Cosmetic Dental has the latest Itero scanner to comfortably scan teeth rather than take messy impressions. Recently Cosmetic Dental was awarded Platinum Provider membership for Invisalign by Align Technology in the USA.
What happens during the Invisalign procedure?
After checking the patient’s teeth, a diagnosis and treatment objectives are made. The patient’s teeth are scanned, this scan is sent to the USA online, it is then sent to Costa Rica for 3D computer simulation manipulation. This simulation is sent back to the treating dentist where further manipulation can he requested. When the dentist and patient are happy with the sequencing of movements and final outcome, the case is approved.
The aligners are manufactured in Mexico using printing technology, then shipped to the dentist. The aligners are fitted with small tooth coloured attachments bonded on some of the teeth to aid movement and stop the aligners coming off.
The patient is given instruction and a number of aligners are given so the patient can change the aligners at home every 7 days. Checks are made by the dentist every 10 to 15 weeks or sometimes longer. For a superior result, additional aligns may need to be ordered once the patient has finished their original sets of aligners, and this is usually included in the quoted price.
Once the patient and the dentist are happy with the alignment, retainer wires are bonded to the inner surfaces to hold the teeth in their aligned position. Some patients do not want retainer wires so they wear a clear retainer in their sleep. This can be beneficial to protect the patient’s teeth if they grind their teeth in their sleep. These retainers can also be used as whitening trays to whiten their teeth with whitening gel.
How can I look after my teeth after Invisalign?
During treatment, it is important to keep the teeth clean with flossing and brushing which is the same as after treatment has been completed.
Free, no obligation Invisalign consultation with Dr. Michael Kan or Dr. Celina Sim
Find out if Invisalign is right for you with a free, 15-minute consultation with Dr. Michael Kan or Dr. Celina Sim today. Dr. Kan or Dr. Sim will examine your smile, answer your questions about Invisalign and give you a verbal estimate for an Invisalign treatment – all at no cost and no obligation.