
At Cosmetic Dental we believe in giving you the best treatment options to improve your smile. We have a number of options available for those who prefer to straighten their teeth by moving them instead of crowning or veneering.
Functional Orthodontics
This technique uses removable plates which help to correct the bite and widen jaws to give you a fuller smile. We can start treatment as early as seven years of age to take advantage of natural growth. In most cases the teeth do not have to be removed because the jaws are stimulated to grow with the removable plates, allowing the teeth to fit into the jaws.
Clear Braces
If you do not like the metal look of metal brackets, we can offer you the clear brackets that blend in with the colour of your teeth.
Air Rotor Recontouring
By recontouring teeth, we can gain extra space. This makes aligning the teeth easier and means that we can save teeth that might otherwise have to be removed.
Lingual Braces (brackets on the inside)
Braces placed on the inside of the teeth are ideal for minor anterior crowding and have the advantage of being invisible.
This process involves the use of thin, clear plastic mouth guards (aligners) to straighten teeth. These can be taken out for cleaning your teeth and eating.

Case Studies

23 year old male was concerned that his teeth were getting damged from his bite and wanted to correct it.
Orthodontics to correct his bite and composite bonding to reshape his teeth.

Patient came in 10 months before her wedding wanting straight white teeth.
Controlled arch orthodontics to expand and straighten her teeth whitening to improve the colour and bonding to give the front teeth a more even stage. All treatment was completed 3 weeks before her wedding.

24 year old female had impacted upper left and right canines, her wish was for a nice smile.
Upper braces to align her impacted canines.

15 year old male comes to cosmetic dental for second opinion on his severe underbite. Previously told jaw surgery was his only option, Dr Kan advised to try a functional orthodontic plate instead. At 4 months of treatment we see a huge improvment without the need for invasive surgery.